For a balanced lifestyle, it’s important to remember that the condition of our body affects our emotional, psychological and social well being and vice versa. What we do to our bodies makes a big difference to how we feel and experience life. Lifestyle choices like, Physical activity, diet, smoking and drugs can all affect our mental health and wellbeing in different ways. Some will have a greater negative impact than others and over time, there is real danger of those unhealthy choices catching up to us and holding us back in many aspects of our life. A healthier lifestyle starts with just a few different changes that you can build upon day after day.
Physical activity
Being physically active will release hormones called endorphins. These feel good hormones help us sleep, lower our cortisol levels to reduce stress and generally just let us feel better. With discipline, it will also improve our physical fitness, even small amounts of regular physical activity can improve your mental wellbeing, especially if it’s something you enjoy. Physical activity is even a recommended treatment for some types of depression. You can get active at your own pace, in your own way. There’s no need to join a gym, or even spend any money. Simple small changes from day to day can make all the difference. Taking a brisk walk, just 30 minutes a day or at lunchtime or walking to get where you are going. Getting active doing yard work or cycling, once or twice a week are great options. If there’s a type of activity you used to enjoy. Think about how you can pick it up again. For example, there are lots of local groups of sports teams open to all levels of ability. What’s more, studies show that spending time in green spaces is beneficial, and going outdoors makes us happier, more cooperative, smarter and allow us to retain our memories better. So head to your local park if you can.
Eating better
Eating better can play a big role in our health and wellbeing. It won’t come as a surprise to learn that what we eat, and how much, plays a big role in our physical health- which can impact our mental health too.
Ideally we should aim to eat a healthy balanced diet, with plenty of fruits and vegetables. It’s important to keep an eye on your calories and minimize foods that are high in sugar, fat and salt.
Alcohol, caffeine, tobacco and drugs may seem tempting when we are stressed or tired. And when we use them to try an cope the idea of stopping them can feel like they can make things even harder. But they can cause more problems than they solve, especially long term. All these habits can complicate our sleep patterns, and effect how anxious and depressed we feel. So try cutting down, even quitting and remember there is support available. Alcohol in particular can worsen our mood, so cutting down can always help us feel better. As for cigarettes, stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your body and your brain. You’ll breathe easier, feel better and save money!
Mental Health
One of the biggest components to our overall health is mental health. We’re quick to ditch the sugar if we need to squeeze into a dress for a special event. But how much do we take our mental wellness into account? What if you could feel like a million bucks, every single day by simply altering neurochemicals in your brain. It’s not hard to do this. Simply increase foods and lifestyle choices that create natural happiness hormones, like dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. That means you can eat dark chocolate. Laugh as often as possible, and add probiotics to your gut to feel like everyday is a good day.
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***The contents of this website is satirical, meant to be entertainment. Contact a professional for any advise.***
Topic: How to live a healthy lifestyle. Gym. Fitness. Excercise. Health. Nutrition. Health Tips. Mental Health. balanced lifestyle