- The greatest opportunities in life are the ones that are available to you. - Carllrac
- You can only see the true nature of wisdom through the acts of the foolish. - Carllrac
- Nature demands, you live life one moment at a time. - Carllrac
- Beauty exists in all different forms. But none more beautiful than the form that appeals to you. - Carllrac
- Most people who climb mountains get to the top. - Carllrac
- When you are unhappy. Remember what it was like to be happy. - Carllrac
- It’s never rude to tell them it tastes like chicken. - Carllrac
- Despite what it said on the invitation. There is no such thing as, “clothing optional.” - Carllrac
- Don’t dwell on the distance to travel. Focus on the direction you are going. -Carllrac
- He may be a pinhead, but he’s someone elses problem, most of the time. -Carllrac
- Happiness is the one who rides through the valley of knowledge, on the ass of ignorance. -Carllrac
- Scratch the itch with curiosity. Relieve the discomfort with knowledge. -Carllrac
- America will achieve it’s true greatness, once we realize that the human state is the 51st state in the union. - Carllrac
- I smile because of the joy of life, but I laugh because my pharmacist thought there was an extra zero, on the end of my prescription dosage. - Carllrac
- The universe is moving. The solar system is moving. The earth is moving. So we should move too. - Carllrac
- If you are unsure. Don’t assume your neighbours name is, Rhonda, and continually greet her as such. Ask her name first. It may not be Rhonda. - Carllrac
- A career is like the stomach flu. You may start out with dry heaves, but eventually, you will vomit something out. - Carllrac
- Friendship is like a two way street, and mine is a red light district. It costs money, and you may need to see a medical specialist during the friendship. - Carllrac
- Be prepared for tomorrow. The things you are avoiding today. -Carllrac
- Identity theft carries a severe punishment, by law. So, just be yourself. - Carllrac
- You make life the way you want it. -Carllrac
- You can do at 50, what you can do at 30. You are just, less horny and need more time to recover. -Carllrac
- I don’t take crap from no one, because I’ve already had my fill. - Carllrac
- You are right, because I don’t bother to explain how wrong you are. -Carllrac
- You are ok in my books. But I could never write worth a damn. -Carllrac
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***The contents of this website is satirical, meant to be entertainment and should not be taken as serious advise.***