Many people fantasize about starting a new life. leaving it all behind and starting their journey over again. Although it may be fantasy, with a little bit of planning, hard work and discipline, it is possible to pull off. It’s been attempted and successfully done a countless number of times. Just think of all the stories you have heard of people being found out they had been living a double life, only to be found out after their deaths. Or the occasional story about a criminal that was missing for decades leaving a deathbed confession letter. There are also the ones who got away with it for a long time, but we’re found out, either through DNA tests, finger prints, or just plain carelessness. These are the ones we know of. Who knows how many there are in our society, living that double life?
Those men and women who disappeared willingly shared the common goal of wanting to start a new life. It may be difficult to start over and completely erase your identity in this day and age, unless the government does it for you.
The most common reason for wanting to disappear or fake a death is because of money. People will try to get insurance payouts, escape loans or financial schemes. They may want to do it for social reasons as well, such as escape from criminal convictions or get away from an abusive relationship where they feel unsafe notifying authorities and asking for help. For less serious matters, A lot of times people just want to start over. Life as they know it is hard, lonely and disappointing, and they want to hit the reset button on their burdens.
Think of others before thinking about yourself.
Figure out who this decision affects. Do you have a spouse, kids, parents or siblings? If you do, you may want to go the extended absence route. The extended absence provides you with the flexibility of “Overseas work,” “substance addiction” or “mental health” issues as an excuse.
If you conclude your absence will have minimal impact on people you care for deeply, you are a good candidate for a fake death or suspicious disappearance.
The first step in a fake death scenario is to come up with a believable lie. Some popular types of fake deaths include, a fake car accident, fake drowning, fake suicide or any other believable scheme that involves a premature demise. If you go this route, ensure that the nature of your suspected death or disappearance is ambiguous, just in case law enforcement decides to look for you, it gives you the flexibility to deny any fraud or wrongdoing. For most law enforcement agencies, it leaves it open to just being a misunderstanding and not something to divert resources to.
Once you have gotten an idea for how much people will actually care about you being gone, and you decide a fake death is not for you, then plan for a disappearance or extended absence. Start by going on trips without telling people. This litmus test will help you gauge the need for a disappearance scheme. Most people are so interested in themselves and their own lives that if you simply move yourself from their sight or environment, they won’t bother you, if you’re an adult.
Figure out what you want your life to look like for the future and how you want to spend it. Do you want something more meaningful, satisfying or successful in life? Then catalog your skills, or learn new skills that will allow you a life that is best suited for your goals. Our modern world of information provides you with many resources to achieve this. If you want to be a pilot, then study flying. Do flight simulators, read manuals, watch videos etc. The same goes for any other profession. Doctor, lawyer, Architect. No matter what line of work you are drawn to, take time to study enough of it, so that you have a passing knowledge to begin your new profession. You can learn the finer points of the career as you get deeper into it. Remember. Learning is a lifelong journey.
Focus on where you are going and how you are going to get there. It’s not about running away,. it’s about where you are going. That’s not about your family or situation, that’s about you.
After choosing a career…Decide on a suitable location to start your new life. Have a place to go or hide and cut off all ties to your old life. Research different areas online, and pinpoint an environment that is suitable for a fraud like yourself. Start off with rural areas, perhaps somewhere remote with a scarcity of people in your desired new profession. These regions will typically welcome you openly and hastily without the proper background check of the newest member of their community. Preferably a place where wifi doesn’t work properly.
Career aside, ensure the location allows you to have a good lifestyle. If you are a beach bum, or bunny, a tropical island, perhaps. If you are one who enjoys winter sports or climbing, focus your search towards remote mountainous regions. But, Be mindful of the distance from your old life because, if you decide to commute back and forth occasionally because you did not decide on a complete disappearance, the travel could get pricey.
A new identity.
Choose a name that you can easily remember. Come up with a name that keeps your same initials because it will create a familiar rhythm to what you are used to; this trick helps to encode the new name in your brain so you are more likely to remember it. Once you have decided on a name, Acquire new documentation. Do a little bit of research as there are many tutorials online that will teach you how to create professional looking identification. This process will take a little time and patience. Don’t settle for poor quality, as you want to get this right. If you can’t be bothered to make your own, you have the option of seeking out a good graphic designer that specializes in fake documentation. A good place to start are through, shady message boards on the internet, you will likely find a person who deals in these situations, Like a lawyer or a “fixer.” But, be mindful of the fact that you may set off some red flags, comprising your endeavor and dealing with criminal elements could be dangerous.
Follow through.
After planning the scheme, you will ultimately have to execute the life change. Tie up any loose ends and don’t leave obvious clues. This can be done simply by disposing of any planning documentation as so they are not found after your disappearance.
To assimilate yourself into a new life, you will have to create new social media accounts to connect with the new people you meet. This will make you seem like a normal person and help fill out the backstory of your life, and it will satiate the curiosity and nosiness of others. Use artificial intelligence resources to create pictures of your “friends'' on the new social network.
Don’t mess with corporations.
It’s one thing to steal money from dangerous people, but if you want to experience true peril, stealing money from a corporation will haunt you for life. Don’t instigate any insurance or credit card fraud, as collectors and investigators will pursue you to the ends of the earth and the depths of hell. Close any accounts associated with your former life, just in case you do decide you want to go back. You don’t want to be on the hook for extra charges, or interest fees. If you don’t need to be in a “clean'' uproot, sell everything you can. Keep things that are sentimental, but not detrimental to getting found out, and it helps to keep your clothing, unless a fresh wardrobe will be part of the new identity.
In conclusion, faking your death or disappearing is not an easy task. You have to come up with a scheme, making sure it’s believable and actually pulling it off. Remember, you may be able to run away from people and situations, but at the end of the day, you can’t run away from yourself. If your life’s problems are because you need to be a better person, seek out professional help to make your current situation better. Work on your personal development and strengthen your relationships, because although you will have a new life, you may just find yourself back in the same situations.
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***The contents of this website is satirical, meant to be entertainment and should not be taken as serious advise.***