Public transportation has its benefits. It costs about four times less to take the bus than owning and operating an automobile. You don’t have the burden of maintenance and repairs. You also contribute to the civic duty of improving road congestion and reducing emissions. But, the drawbacks can be substantial. There is a lack of freedom, privacy and flexibility when taking a public bus. You are stuck on its schedule and with so many people getting on and off, the length of the ride can be long and boring. It’s too easy to bury our heads in front of a smartphone screen, or drown out the external world with earphones. But, the bus can be a place for us to observe others, connect with people and even get our creative juices flowing if we step outside of our comfort zone.
Carllrac present: Asinine ways to keep yourself entertained on a public bus.
- Sit next to a random stranger on an otherwise empty bus to make them feel comfortable.
- Persistently ask the bus driver if they would allow you to drive the bus. You can sweeten the offer with a bottle of alcohol for them, while they sit as a passenger.
- Use the next stop pull chord or button every time you see a Volkswagen pass by.
- When you are at stoplights and see someone in a vehicle singing along to the radio in the privacy of their car, live stream them from your cell phone for the world to see.
- At each stop, you exit the rear door and come back in the front and show the bus driver your ticket, just to irritate her/him.
- For reading material you bring a book of the “World's most tragic public transportation disasters.”
- Buy a metal detector wand like they have at the airports and screen other passengers who enter the bus.
- Ask other passengers if they know how to speak In German and ask for directions on how to find a route to a specific location. Tell them you don’t speak English, insisting to them you only know German…all the while, you are speaking to them in fluent English.
- Bring your portable cpap machine and Take a nap. Because, there’s nothing quite as embarrassing as hearing about or having someone take a video of you snoring while sleeping on a bus. You don’t want to go viral, nor drool over your freshly cleaned work shirt.
- You can write on the bus. Use other strange bus riders as inspiration. People like the man in the trench coat, pleasuring himself at the back, or the lady with 3 cats popping their heads out of her hand bag. Perhaps a kid with a skateboard going around and stabbing people. There is inspiration everywhere on public transportation.
- Do word searches or crossword puzzles on the bus. You never know who you will impress with the power of your verbal intellect or even make a connection with someone doing the same puzzle, as they look down at your page, seeing you struggle with a word then hear their sweet voyeuristic voice tell you. “7 down 4 across, CLASSIFICATION.”
- Knit or crochet. One under time pass on a public bus is that of knitting and crochet. Generations of old ladies using public transportation have known that the combination of yarn, crochet hooks, needles and scissors will not only keep you entertained, but will keep you safe. Those essential items can be considered lethal tools for self defense. Consider taking up this hobby and next time you see a sweet old lady, slip knitting and creating foundational chains with a pleasant smile on her face, just know she has the means to, brutally take you down.
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***The contents of this website is satirical, meant to be entertainment and should not be taken as serious advise.*** city bus bus transportation