Well Stan, it’s unfortunate that your act of kindness was taken in such a negative way. These types of charitable actions do not happen enough in our world and I commend you for caring. This seems like a clear misunderstanding on your wife’s part. I suggest you emphasize to her the altruistic intentions for providing a safe place for these attractive women to stay. If you get her to understand what life would be like for her in these womens shoes, it may allow her to approach and understand this situation with a bit of compassion. If she still doesn’t believe this, you can convince her that you were intending to charge rent once they got on their feet, and convince her that it’s a good revenue stream. Then purchase something nice, yet expensive, she will come to her senses.
Sorry to hear about your plight Gurtak. Leaving a marriage is hard for everyone emotionally and financially. It will also impact a whole network of families and friends. It’s a decision that needs to be considered thoughtfully and seriously. But sometimes, the best solution is to avoid crazy people altogether, and this feels like one of those situations. Ketchup with samosas is unnatural. Just remember with over a billion people in India, there should be plenty of fish in the sea.
I’m sorry for your suffering, Paul. I hope this illness will allow you to find peace. We all know that the key to a strong relationship is communication. Not knowing more about what your situation is, or the dependency your wife has on you. I would be upfront about this diagnosis with her and try to play the sympathy card. Allow her to suffer with guilt knowing that her time with you was taken for granted, and instill a deep regret in her, so when you are gone, it will be a pain within her soul that pines throughout eternity.
As a man Helen, I can understand your husband's temptation to sell his family for a next generation video game console. With the PS5’s drastic hardware upgrades, his gaming will look better, be faster, and have backward compatibility so he will be able to get more use out of his old games. But, I would guess the likelihood of selling your children is next to nil, as in North America the resale value of minors is quite low compared to other parts of the world and the price of a PlayStation 5 would be worth more. There is a higher likelihood that your husband would solicit you in a transaction. In any case, I would recommend weaning your husband off video games. Call your service provider and secretly reduce the internet to a slower bandwidth so he will get tired of the lagging and shut off the consoles.
Hi Sara, this is a common reaction people have after seeing Shawn Mendes. He is an underrated singer/songwriter. With his raw, yet angelic voice, and heart palpitating good looks. That man is Canada’s musical antidepressant for the world. Unfortunately, once you have experienced the perfect moment, it’s always hard reacclimating to mediocrity, and this is what you are experiencing with your intimacy. To get back on track next time you have to steam things up, I recommend playing a Mendes album as mood music in the background , as well as adding some maple syrup to your foreplay.
Good day Owen. This is a medical condition known as Hyrstixcombonumberone. It’s a state where people associate the value of a movie theatre menu with the anticipation of watching films. In your wife’s case, it has become anchored to the anticipation of watching Adult movies. The urge is typically dominant during the summer blockbuster movie season. Fortunately this is treatable. I recommend laying off the movies for a while and she should be back to normal after a few weeks.
Suzanne, when we give a gift to a loved one, it comes from a special place within our hearts. But, there is also a certain amount of selfishness to it as well. We want the other person to be happy and enjoy what we gave them. We confuse the fact that the gift makes the other person happy, and in this way, it makes her happy to share with other people as well. It says a lot about the kind hearted person she is. So don’t read too much into her sharing your gift with others. If you are still bothered by it, next time I suggest buying her lingerie for Valentine’s Day. If she shares that with her co-workers, then you know for sure that you have a bigger problem.
Hi Lucy. If it’s something you want to do…Get them. He will believe in the miracle of mainstream science after he sees them.
Hi Chuck. Sports stirs up in us a competitive spirit that we suppress in our modern times. It allows us to be part of a tribe again, and in small doses taps into emotions that would probably explode from us at inappropriate times, if we didn’t have that outlet. Rather than telling them how much more you love the sport over them, I would suggest showing them your love for it, and finding a way to involve the family in your passion. Take them out to games or watch it together on television, making it a family affair. Encourage them to wear clothing of your favourite team, and do activities together that are enjoyable. If you start to associate good times with your favourite sport, as well as your family, you may find that the love will become intertwined. You might not just love one thing more than the other.
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***The contents of this website is satirical, meant to be entertainment. Contact a professional for any advise.***