Zombies are the un-dead. Mindless monsters that like eating brains. For those who appreciate a good low carbohydrate, high protein diet. What’s not to love. They also smell like moist meat.
But there is something about these creatures that resonates in their appeal. It can’t be any of their characteristics. It must be how they remind us of ourselves as a society. Zombies are more of a metaphor for what we need to avoid becoming. Mindless creatures who may seem human on the outside, but are in fact monsters, just looking for the next brain to feed on to satiate our impulses.
They are slower than regular people--maybe that is what the “powers that be” want. Don’t want the majority of society to catch up to them. We just limp along in life, chasing shiny objects in the distance that catch our attention. Our sensing warm blooded people running away from us, locking themselves in their homes and gated communities, while the zombies on the outside try to force their way inside, instead of making their environment better for each other.
Television & Streaming--Drooling a lot during taco commercials? You realize ground beef doesn’t even look good. Ground beef in tacos look like contents of a can of dog food, but you are still drooling.
Loss of sense of time--Hours go by without you even knowing--been engrossed in your show, meanwhile your infant child of 16 months, inpatient’s about getting his diaper changed, watches a you tube video on how to change his own poopy diaper, deodorize the changing area to conceal three failed diaper changed attempts and refill the container of diaper wipes with only one last sheet. All the while, you were, zoned out.
Poor Diet and Mindless snacking-- It might not be gooey brains, but reaching into a bag of potato chips. Popcorn or other snacks without even knowing you are doing it. TV is on. There is a commercial for a cholesterol pill. Since they now seemingly have a cure for high cholesterol, you can now feel at ease to munch on that trans fat--even though the side effects of the medicine might be brain hemorrhaging.
No Speak Good--You no longer communicate to other people by using actual words. Just grunts, un- engaged looks and the occasional hand above the head gesture. If you are a female, toss the head back to flick the hair out of you face. For the man. Scratching of balls or adjustment of underwear, because the banter between the morning show, weather girl and intern- traffic reporter has given you the chance to show some real physical response of human emotion with a ¼ erection.
Mind altering drugs-- They can start to legalize narcotics that can chemically alter the brain-but society still has a problem with prostitution. The oldest profession in the world.
Wasting of disposable income. Keeping people poor, lucid. No longer use their brain power for critical thinking and problem solving. Only increasing addiction leading to criminal activity and lack of civility in their communities. All the while at the top of the ladder, someone profits from this activity thinking their “customers” are foolish animals.
Each drug has a different effect. Coffee addiction is one that people need to feel like they need it to be productive. Coffee addiction leads to brain function abnormalities. Panic disorders, lack of concentration over time (caffeine addiction) is marketed as a beverage that warms you up and has a sophistication.
Stress--Less work/ life balance. People are working more to stay ahead. No time for leisure which causing stress, etc. No peace of mind with a constant preoccupation and worry about past and future. We are not living in the moment.
Income inequality--Arguable linked to causing increased growth of social violence , criminal activity, hopelessness among youth resulting in social backlash, terrorism and slums.
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